פריט 45:
Galyatovsky I. The New sky with new stars, or the Narrative of the miracles of the Virgin…
מחיר פתיחה:
עמלת בית המכירות: 15%
למידע נוסף
Galyatovsky I. The New sky with new stars, or the Narrative of the miracles of the Virgin…
Mogilev Printing House of Maxim Voschak 1679 448 with hardcover of the 17th century, the usual format. Condition: Complete. Loss of part of the title page, restoration of the 1st and 2nd pages of the text. Notes in the text in ink and pencil.
Ioannikiy Galyatovsky, Archimandrite (d. 1688). The time and place of birth of I. G. is unknown. He received his education at the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, under its rector Lazar Baranovich, who was his constant patron. He graduated from the full course of the College of I. G. in 1649 . Having become a monk, he became a teacher of the college, and after its closure in 1651, he retired to Lithuania, where he was, it seems, the abbot of the Kupyatitsky monastery. In 1656, I. G. returned to Kiev and became a teacher of the college again; in 1657. he was a professor of rhetoric, and in the academic year 1658-1659 he became rector of the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium and together with the abbot of the Kyiv-Bratsky Monastery. I. G., as rector, holds the high honor of restoring the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, which was emptied in 1651 after the invasion and devastation of Kiev by Lithuanian Hetman Jan Radziwill. Having restored the college from the ruins, I. G. opened the teaching in it, gradually starting classes, starting with the lower ones, and himself alone, for lack of teachers, teaching in them. In 1665, Kiev was again ravaged by Poles and Cossacks, the college suffered greatly, and I. G. I should have left her. For more than 3 years, I. G., according to his own words, "wandered in Podol (Podolia), Volhynia, Lithuania and other places." In 1668, he came to Chernigov to Lazar Baranovich, who made him first abbot of the monastery, and then Archimandrite of the Chernigov Bletsky monastery, where he died in 1688.
I. G. is one of the best representatives of South Russian literature of the second half of the XVII century, i.e. the most difficult time in the history of Little Russia. I. G. left behind a lot of works that he wrote in Russian and Polish, of various contents: homiletic, moralizing, historical and mainly polemical. I. G. was the most learned homilete and polemicist of his time. The language of his writings (Russian), for example, in the "Key of Understanding", is distinguished by simplicity and clarity. in his writings, he shows himself to be a good connoisseur of the theological and historical literature of his time – Russian and Polish.
In the book. "The new heaven..." describes both Orthodox images of the Theotokos, and a number of ancient icons of the Mother of God revered by both Catholics and Orthodox - Lydd (Roman), Iverian, Gethsemane (Jerusalem), as well as Catholic. miraculous images of the Most Holy Virgins in Venice, in Florence, in Poland. places. Myslenice et al . Several are briefly characterized. velikorus. icons: Mirozhskaya, Kostroma (see: "Odigitria"), Suzdal, Tolgskaya (in the last case, the author used "The Legend of the Icon of Our Lady of Tolgskaya"). The Jesuit Rutka reproached I. the fact that his work is largely a compilation of the works of Lat. authors: Laurentia Suria, Antonio Bosio, Alonso of Cartagena, Vincentia of Beauvais, etc. The text contains references to Martin Belsky, Horace Tessein, Gregory of Tours, to the Op. "Peregrynacja, albo Pielgrzymowanie do Ziemi Świętej" (Peregrination, or Pilgrimage to the Holy Land) book. Mikolaj Krzysztof Radziwill-Orphans, "Kazania na niedzielie i święta całego roku" (Sermons on Sundays and holidays throughout the year) by Peter Skarga. According to S. Shevchenko, "The new Sky..." includes 12 stories from the "Great Mirror". There are significantly fewer references to pravosl in the text. sources: on the Skete paterik, the Kiev-Pechersk paterik, the "Spiritual Flower Garden" by Sophrony, on the book of Abba Dorotheus.
Despite the great interest in the book both in the Western Russian Metropolia and in Russia, it was treated critically in Moscow. The reason for this was the presence of incorrect opinions in the book, in particular, the doctrine of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. I. was reproached for using sources that were unreliable from the right. T. zr.
Despite the criticism, the book was popular, it was available in the Patriarchal Library, in the collections of Moscow scribes (in particular, Simeon of Polotsk), in monastic libraries (in the Simonov Monastery, in the Florishcheva Pust., in the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Pust., in the Solovetsky Monastery), in the bishop's monastery-ke at the Velikoustyuzhsky Assumption Cathedral. Sb. "The sky is new ..." has become widespread in Velikorus. According to the manuscript tradition of the last third of the XVII-XIX centuries, it is represented by dozens of lists, both Orthodox and Old Believers, dating back to the Lviv and Mogilev editions and to the Church Slavs. translation.
In the XVII century. in Russia, "The new Sky ..." became the source of a number of works of fine art. His subjects (including Catholic. origin) were used in the paintings of the 1700 year of the Nativity of Christ in Yaroslavl (Kazakevich T. E. Western European novels of the "New Heaven" by I. Galyatovsky in the wall painting of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Yaroslavl // Second Scientific Thurs. in memory of I. P. Bolottseva (1944-1995): Collection of Art. / Comp.: O. B. Kuznetsova. Yaroslavl, 1998. pp. 45-63). Individual plots and legends have become widespread in folk art. A number of subjects served as a source for new iconographic compositions in book miniature (e.g., in the collection of the beginning of the XVIII century. NB MSU, inv. 10536-7-71; see: Pozdeyeva I. V. Archeographic works of Moscow University in the area of the ancient Branch and Starodub (1970-1972) // PKNO. 1975. M., 1976. pp. 59-61) and in a splint engraving.