Auction 28 First time in History! The Chatam Sofer Auction
By Rarity Auction House
Jul 17, 2023
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States
Large collection of items from the holy Chatam Sofer / His Family and Disciples.
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LOT 49:

Copy of The great and righteous Tzaddik the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollak

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Sold for: $1,000
Start price:
$ 1,000
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Jul 17, 2023 at Rarity Auction House

Copy of The great and righteous Tzaddik the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollak
Tosafot Shabbat with Mahadura Batra, first edition, Zolkwa 1806

תוספות שבת עם מהדורא בתרא - מהדורה ראשונה זאלקווא תקס"ו. עותק הגה"ק רבי זעקיל פאללאק מבחירי תלמידי מרנא חתם סופר עם הגהות בכתב ידו ועותק בנו רבי משה

ספר תוספות שבת עם מהדורא בתרא, חיבור על השו"ע והרמ"א בהלכות שבת מאת רבי רפאל בן רבי חיים מייזלש זצ"ל. מספרי היסוד על הלכות שבת.

חתימת ידו: "חננו ה' בזה הק' יצחק המכונה זעקל סגל פאללאק"

הגאון הגדול הצדיק המקובל רבי יצחק זעקיל פאללאק [תקע"ג-תרל"ד] מבחירי תלמידי מרנא החתם סופר אשר העריצו מאוד וחלק לו כבוד רב. מקובל וצדיק. התפרסם בכח תורתו ובכח תפילתו. 

 The great and righteous Tzaddik the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollak. [1813-1891] was one of the chosen students of Maran the Chatham Sofer whom he greatly admired and gave him great respect for.
He became famous by the power of his teachings and by the power of his prayer.
He never lay on a bed on weekdays, only dozing in his seat in the synagogue, when his strength ran out late at night from studying the Torah. And it is said that with all his fatigue, if the voice of the Torah stopped, he woke up and asked why he did not hear the voice of the Torah. All the teachings of his Rebbei Maran the Chatam Sofer were fluent in his mouth and his words were always encouragement and reinforcement to study persistently and with great desire.
In 1874 he came to Bonyhád to help his son, Rabbi Moshe, in the management of the Yeshiva, and indeed he who saw two tzaddikim and did not come to draw Torah from their mouths. Soon the yeshiva developed and students from afar as near as the two tzadikim, and what a terrific sight it was to see them Torah to the students in the Yeshiva all day and many hours at night, until the day and night almost stopped, the voice of the Torah was heard in Bonyhád.
They also added institutions and founded various societies such as the Shas Society, the Women's Society, the Young Women's Society, the Sick Visiting Society, a shelter for the poor. World known geniuses were their Talmidim such as Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinsky, Rabbi of Galanta and Jerusalem and the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer Rabbi of Paks and many more.

הגאון רבי משה הלוי פאללאק מבאניהאד [תר"ה-תרמ"ט]. בנו של הגאון הנודע רבי יצחק זעקיל פאללאק מבאניהאד. בצעירותו למד אצל מרן הכתב סופר ואצל מרן מהר"י אסאד. משנת תרל"ה אב"ד וראש ישיבה בעיר באניהאד. גאון אדיר, לוחם במתפרצים ובמשכילים בכל עוזו וליבו. חיבר את 'וידבר משה' י' חלקים, ברכת משה, והרבה חיבורים בכתובים.

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