Expert club
Moscow, Prechistenka st., 26
The company "Expert - Club" was founded by me in 2004, and was conceived as an organization for the assessment and attribution of works of painting, icon painting, graphics, applied art. For work in the "Expert - Club" professionals of the highest level were involved, specialists in various fields of art. The company was also actively involved in publishing and published such books as "Holy Images" - about Russian icons, from the ancient to the beginning of the 20th century, the reference book "Russian Artists", providing information on Russian painters from the 18th to the end of the 20th century. , including biographies, facsimiles of signatures and information on sales at world auctions, as well as a guide "Determinant of value", based on real data of auction sales (for 15 years), and is designed to quickly assess the works of 12,000 artists worldwide and gives an idea of the sales of paintings for the past period. In addition to the expertise and attribution of decorative and applied arts, antique books and paintings, the Expert Club company assisted in the selection and formation of private collections of rare postage stamps, unique icons and painting masterpieces, including canvases by famous French impressionists. and also represented the interests of its clients at all major world auctions. 2006 to 2008 For the first time in Russia, Expert-Club held four large-scale auctions of rare postage stamps. Currently, the company is going to expand and develop the sphere of auction trade in various areas of collecting, at the upcoming auction we want to offer our clients antique book editions, unique rare stamps, excellent works of painting and graphics, extremely rare on the antique market, in the section of applied arts will be presents exceptional historical artifacts - exquisite jewelry, elegant furnishings from bronze and porcelain.
צור קשר עם בית המכירות
כתובת מייל
+7 495 796 58 04
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